Copy and paste content into Split CSV

Split CSV content in your clipboard is not only the easiest way to split a large csv file, it is also the fastest and easiest way to split content you copied from elsewhere. You can now paste that content directly into Split CSV (without having to save it to a file). Here's how:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Paste tab to switch to the paste input.
  3. Paste the text into the input field, and then click the Upload button.
  4. Your content is uploaded: you'll see the file size, and you can now click the Split Options button to continue with your order.

Your uploaded content will be kept for at most 7 days before being deleted: depending on volume it could be earlier.  At no time is the original source file downloadable, and the link to download the results will only be available on the receipt page, no where else.

Happy splitting!